Ontario PC Party Headlines

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ontario can no longer be content by being first in debt and last in job creation

by Tim Hudak, Special to the National Post, February 22, 2013
I have a vision for an Ontario the world marvels at. An Ontario that again leads Confederation, and that again becomes a magnet for people from all over the world who seek a safe harbour, and aspire to a better life.
It calls for a government that spends within its means, offers more value for less money and focuses on core priorities. With a health care system that’s there for you, where and when you need it. An education system that properly prepares our children to succeed in an increasingly competitive world – by raising the bar in math, science, literacy and skilled trades. A place that gives businesses and entrepreneurs the tools and the confidence they need to invest, expand and create good jobs.
All delivered by a government that respects the people who elected it, and the people who pay the bills.
That’s the Ontario we all want.
But today our province is at a crossroads where two tracks diverge: The first, judging by this week’s Throne Speech, entrenches Dalton McGuinty’s legacy of overspending, debt and job losses. The second is a bold and optimistic path, leading toward balanced budgets, a strong economy and a new hope for all of us that Ontario can rise again, and resume its leadership role in Canada.
If you think our province is on the right track, then there are two parties on offer: The Liberals – who have had 10 years to deliver a better Ontario – and the NDP, who want to prop them up. But if you think we’re on the wrong track, then there is only one party, and one plan on offer, and one positive alternative.
Are we headed down the right track today? Our debt has doubled under the Liberals, and more than half a million people woke up this morning with no job to go to. Ontario is buckling under a $12 billion deficit and a debt that’s set to hit $411 billion in just a few years. And the economic heart of our province is becoming clogged by gridlock, robbing our economy of billions of dollars in lost productivity.
We can do better. This crisis is not about the ideologies of the right or left. There is only a right direction or wrong direction, solutions or more problems, progress or decline. If the Liberals won’t make the tough decisions to get Ontario back on its feet, there’s another party and leader who will. I have a responsibility to demand a plan that brings about the change we need – not to continue down a reckless path toward more debt and fewer jobs.
I also have an obligation to table a plan of my own, in the absence of one from this government. I have done so through our Paths to Prosperity white papers on getting Ontario back on its feet with a balanced budget to create jobs. You can view and share all 11 in the series so far at http://www.ontariopc.com/paths.
Better days lie ahead for our province. But we can no longer be content to be first in debt and last in job creation. We need a new approach. For Ontario to reach its true potential, it’s clear we need to change the team that leads this province.
National Post
Tim Hudak, MPP, is Ontario PC Leader.